Bionics Trailblazers
Get the latest on the people, passion, and insights that are shaping innovation and fueling growth in the bionics industry.

Russ Angold
The American Bionics Project was happy to catch up with exoskeleton pioneer Russ Angold. The former CTO and cofounder of Ekso Bionics, Russ shared his journey with us, as well as a few helpful tips for bionics entrepreneurs. From family to farming and engineering, it is a story worth a read.

Dr. Rory Cooper
We were honored to speak with Dr. Rory Cooper. Boasting an illustrious career that spans the US Army, Carnegie Mellon, the VA, the University of Pittsburgh and more, learn how this bionics leader has turned experience with disability in his own life into improving the lives of countless others.

Steve Collins
Professor Steve Collins is the director of the Stanford Biomechatronics Laboratory, a member of the Scientific Board of Dynamic Walking, and a member of the Editorial Board of Science Robotics. We caught up with Steve to discuss some of his work and the future of bionics.
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