Groundbreaking Solutions for People with Physical Disabilities
Striving to Make Wheelchairs Obsolete by 2035
Groundbreaking Solutions for People with Physical Disabilities
Striving to Make Wheelchairs Obsolete by 2035
100,000 Step Challenge
We’re raising funds and awareness to help make wheelchairs obsolete. Join us on our mission and take the challenge.
Our Mission
We stimulate the development of revolutionary technologies for people with lower-limb disabilities. Our vision is a world in which wheelchairs are obsolete and everyone, regardless of physical condition, can walk, run, and play to the full extent of the human spirit. Through our support of bionics entrepreneurs, our focus on fresh perspectives, and our dedication to bold collaboration, we are accelerating a new era of mobility tech that will change lives forever.

Our Work

By acting as a conduit between third parties, we increase collaboration so the brightest minds are sharing the best ideas.

Innovation is little help if it sits in a lab. Our incubator + accelerator programs help bionics entrepreneurs navigate the startup journey.

Through our network, we help intrepid bionics researchers and entrepreneurs access funding for their mobility tech innovations.

Supporting Startups
Mobility technologies such as prostheses, or those that help people with spinal cord injury, have unique requirements and challenges that are often not addressed by traditional startup incubators and investors.
As a result, we are working to build resources that will make launching and growing bionics startups easier and more successful. Our goal is to ensure that the brightest minds have the support needed to create their boldest ideas, and by doing so promote a 21st century revolution in bionic solutions.
Looking for support?
If you are you an aspiring bionics entrepreneur or current startup founder, connect with American Bionics Project to learn which resources may be available to you!
Share Your Passion
Physical disability impacts nearly every family in some way, yet investment in advanced technology for people with disabilities often pales in comparison to other areas. We believe it’s time to break free of wheelchairs and walkers, and build a future with boundless mobility.
If you love being active, we want to work together to share that passion with others. Whether it involves health and fitness, outdoor adventure, sports, or dance, let’s strive to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to live with that same energy and freedom.

“So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable. ”
— Christopher Reeve