100K In A Day
Many Small Steps. One Big Goal.
Supporting Bold Innovation for People with Mobility Disabilities
We are a 501c3 nonprofit founded by military veterans after seeing the effects of war firsthand. Our mission is to stimulate innovative solutions for people with lower-limb disabilities so that everyone can walk, run, and play to the full extent of the human spirit. Our purpose extends beyond the veterans community to serve ALL people with mobility impairments, whether due to disease, injury, or aging.
The Challenge
Walking for Those Who Can’t

100,000 steps in a day per individual

100,000 combined steps in a day for teams of 2 – 4
Individual Participants
- Total step count must be reached within one calendar day.
- Steps should be recorded with a fitness tracker, phone, or similar application. A screenshot of your steps will be required for challenge verification.
- YOU choose the date, time, location, and route. Have fun with it and make it your own!
- Share on your social media accounts, tell friends and family, raise awareness and funds.
- See our helpful tips on planning your route and logistics!

Can’t participate but still want to support us? Donate here.

- If 100,000 steps in a day is too much for one person, do it as a team of 2 – 4 people. Teams of 5 or more are not allowed.
- Divide the 100,000 steps within your group however you like (does not need to be an even split).
- Teams do NOT need to be in the same location when conducting the challenge, but they DO need to complete the challenge within the same 24-hour period.
- When registering, teams should set up a group page on our fundraising platform for improved communication.
- Each team member must track their steps using a phone, fitness tracker, or similar application. A screenshot of each person’s steps will be required for challenge verification.”
- See our helpful tips on planning your route and logistics!
Together, Let’s Make Wheelchairs Obsolete. Raising Funds and Awareness.
We encourage all participants to engage with their friends, family, colleagues, and social media accounts to spread awareness of our efforts and your plans to complete the challenge in support of those with disabilities.
Ask friends and family to sponsor you on your journey to complete the challenge! Are they willing to donate $1 per every 1,000 steps you take?
Earn Your 100K in a Day Challenge Shirt!
Proudly wear your accomplishment for years to come. Those who raise more than $500 for the “100K In a Day” nonprofit campaign will receive a complimentary challenge t-shirt! (includes free shipping inside the US)

Why Bionics? Our Vision for a Bolder Future.
Whether due to disease, injury, or aging, mobility disabilities are all around us, impacting hundreds of millions globally. And yet, for generations the primary response has been to put our loved ones in wheelchairs, despite knowing how bad this can be for the individual’s physical and mental health.
As a nonprofit, we are taking a stand against this status quo and asking, “Is this really the best we can do?” Yes, wheelchairs may be cheap and easy, but is that what we really strive for?
Cheap and easy? Or do we aspire to do more to help others, to dream bigger, and to create a bolder future where everyone can enjoy the freedom of mobility that so many of us take for granted?
The truth is that no number of ramps and elevators will ever make the world fully wheelchair accessible. For people with lower-limb disabilities, bionics such as advanced prostheses, wearable robotics, and neurotechnology can set the body free and allow the spirit to soar. Let’s stop wishing and start doing. Let’s spark a new era of mobility tech and enable all of humanity to move on their own terms, not the terms of their disability.

Planning Your Challenge. Helpful Tips
- Safety first! While we are thrilled to have your support, the challenge is not worth any risk to your safety or the safety of others.
- 100,000 steps equates to approximately 50 miles. Whether you intend to do all 100,000 on your own, or divide among teammates, please plan accordingly.
- It’s better to walk with company! Whether you have someone along for the entire challenge, or just to meet you at various checkpoints, we encourage people to do the challenge together.
- Plan your route wisely:
- If possible, choose a mostly flat route
- Avoid busy roads and highways that could be a safety hazard
- Plan resupply locations for water, food, and bathroom breaks.
- Start early to provide yourself plenty of time on the back end.
- Tell others of your plans! Make sure family and friends know where you will be and when for safety purposes.
- Ensure your phone and fitness tracker are fully charged before you start.
- Change base layers, socks, and footwear throughout the challenge. Try to keep your feet dry and comfortable!
- Watch the weather and plan accordingly! Reschedule for another day if needed.
- Hydrate, and bring nutrient-dense snacks.
- If you plan to do all 100,000 steps on your own, we LOVE your ambition and are right there with you. However, we learned the hard way that even the athletes and soldiers among us needed a few long-distance training walks to prepare.