Why Bionics?
Why Bionics?
For people with lower-limb disabilities, bionics can set the body free and allow the spirit to soar. Let’s stop wishing and start doing.
130 Million
people in the world require use of a wheelchair
This is nearly 2 out of every 100 people on the planet without the freedom and health benefits of upright mobility. And it’s not just those in wheelchairs or visible ailments who struggle. From children born with genetic disorders, to young war veterans, to those fighting disease and the effects of aging; the battle with physical disability is all around us.
The odds are that lower-limb disability will directly impact you or someone you love.
In the U.S. alone, there are
Who suffer with osteoarthritis
Who are stroke survivors
Living with paralysis
Who are amputees
American adults with a substantially limiting physical impairment
Estimated annual US healthcare expenditures related to these mobility impairments
Advanced Bionics Can Uplift Millions
Advanced bionics can help people stay active and regain their independence. Technologies that allow people to walk, run, and be outdoors are essential not only for a healthy body, but also a healthy mind.

It is estimated that 50% of adults over the age of 65 struggle with disability. While these are both physical and mental, the two are often intertwined. Let’s invest in technologies that keep our seniors mobile and independent, allowing their minds to stay sharp for as long as possible.

Surviving disease or trauma is often only the first step, as long-term recovery can be agonizing. Let’s customize solutions for our sick and injured to allow for true mobility independence. When we enable the body we strengthen the spirit and promote internal healing.

As a new generation of veterans returns from war with a range of disabilities, we owe it to them to deliver the most innovative solutions imaginable. Our vision for revolutionary bionics would allow these heroes to fully enjoy the activities they love and the freedom for which they fought.

Physical disability is perhaps most heartbreaking when seen in children. As kids grow they need technology that can develop with them and match their boundless spirit. We dream of a world where every child can count on a full, healthy and active life regardless of what may ail them.
How the American Bionics Project Helps
We aim to be the catalyst for major breakthroughs in mobility-related bionics research and development. In part, this means supporting the best scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs who have innovative ideas to help improve the lives of people with disabilities.
It also means bringing people together to ensure that the best solutions actually make it out of the lab to those in need. As a result, our efforts are focused on three primary initiatives: improving the resources available to bionics entrepreneurs, fostering greater industry collaboration, and driving strategic investment in mobility tech startups.

How You Can Help

Please consider making a tax-deductible donation that helps bring our mission to life. We are an official, IRS approved 501(c)(3) nonprofit and would greatly appreciate your support as we strive to build a better world for people with lower-limb disabilities.

Use your social channels to inspire others about the incredible possibilities we can deliver to those struggling with physical disabilities. Let’s start a conversation about what it means to be independently mobile and enjoy the activities that many of us take for granted.

We are actively looking for individual volunteers, teams, and companies who can help further our mission of advancing bionics. Whether you have specific experience in a related field, or just want to volunteer in general, we’d love to hear from you.